HSCL: Parent Involvement/courses

The Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Co-ordinator in St. Oliver's is Fiona Pyke.
The role of HSCL is to support parents and to unify and connect both school and the community.
Contact details:
Mobile 0872333349
Email hscl@stoliversclonmel.ie
The HSCL Scheme aims to:
- Support parents to be a resource to their own children and become involved in their child’s education
- Promote co-operation between home, school and relevant community agencies
- Work with parents to prepare and support them as a resource to their own children and encourage parents to become involved in their child’s education
- Help the child’s learning and improve their chances of staying in school
Home Visits
The Home School Community Liaison teacher visits many parents in their homes. This is the cornerstone of the Home School Community Liaison scheme and a very important part of the work of the coordinator. It helps form bonds of trust between home and school.
Parents' Room
The Parents' room is located opposite the secretary's office (side entrance). It is available to parents every day. Parents are always welcome to come in and chat over a cup of tea. Parent classes often take place in the Parent's Room. All parents are welcome and are encouraged to participate in such classes.
Classes and Courses
Home School Community Liaison coordinators organise a variety of classes and courses for parents during the school year. They take place in the parents’ room or in the school Nurture Room. Courses that have run in St. Oliver's include: Zumba, Fun Family Baking, Gardening, Pilates, Flower Arranging and Crafts. Suggestions for classes are always welcome! We also work with the wider community and have strong links with the local ETB, Clonmel Community Mothers, Barnardos, etc.
Involving Parents in School
The Home School Community Liaison teacher works to help parents support their children at school. Parents are always very welcome in the school and participate in various activities. Activities have included: Story Time events, Bulb Planting, Family Craft Classes, Maths for Fun and a Be Active Sports program. Parents also give the school great support by volunteering to help during our graduation, Hallowe'en Infant party, Grandparent's Day, and other busy times of the year! Parents are encouraged to join the Parents' Association and take an active part in the life of the school.
Our HSCL coordinator is available to discuss any issue with you and offer support. You can find our HSCL coordinator in the school any morning or she can be contacted on 087 2333349 or on the school number 052-6121026.