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St Brigid's Primary School, Mountfield

Sports Day 2013

6th Jun 2013
Sports Day 2013

 On Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June St. Oliver’s N.S. came alive with the excitement that accompanies the annual school’s sports days. On Thursday Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd classes enjoyed activities for the day while it was the turn of 3rd-6th classes on Friday. Bottles of sun cream were applied as the sun shone brightly for both days. The children danced to the ‘Wii’, threw balls at the clown, avoided the poison ball, ran an obstacle course, tested their strength with the discus, hammer and shot put, filled the bottles in the water relay, kicked balls at tyres and all this before lunch.

No sports day would be complete without a sack race, spud and spoon race and three legged race, so children finished off the day in the field tangled in ties, tumbling in sacks and picking fallen spuds.

Great credit must go to the hard working Parents’ Association of the school for sponsoring the highlight of the two days; an inflatable obstacle course for the juniors and a bungee trampoline for the seniors.

The day would not have been a success without the cooperation of all teachers and staff but the big winners were the children of the school who had their “best sports day EVER”, as they slept soundly in their beds at night.