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Letter from 4th class teachers
Good morning 1st class boys and girls!
We hope you had a lovely May Bank holiday weekend. Imagine it is officially Summer now! Remember the 3 months of Summer are May, June and July.
We hope you are getting on well with your workpacks. We know it can be hard to work at home sometimes so do your best, we are all very proud of you!
You can start Week 4 now (5th – 8th May) in your workpacks. This week in your Skills book it’s all about making cupcakes. We love cupcakes! Have you ever made them before? Maybe, with some help, you could try making some. The best thing about making them is eating them afterwards!!
Have you any container that says 1L on it? It might be a carton of milk or juice? Maybe it’s a shampoo bottle? Capacity is all about measuring liquids, we use litres to measure liquids. Can you name 10 things in your house that are measured in litres? Write them down and ask someone to check them.
Keep up the great work on Studyladder and IXL. They are great ways to practise all your skills.
We are so looking forward to seeing you all as soon as we can. If you would like to contact us you can email us at alyons@stoliversclonmel.ie and clarkin@stoliversclonmel.ie .
Stay safe everyone!
Mrs Lyons and Ms Larkin
St. Oliver's National School,
Heywood Rd, Clonmel,
Co. Tipperary, Ireland
Phone:+353 52 612 1016