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St Brigid's Primary School, Mountfield

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

16th Feb 2022
Friendship Week is well under way. Here in St. Oliver's we strive to create bonds...
16th Feb 2022
We are beginning to see the first signs of spring in our new raised beds. Special...
16th Feb 2022
Well done to Cilla, our County Boxing Champion, Ava-Kate and Hannah our dancing...
16th Feb 2022
This Free, 4-week course will take place in the old Army Barracks. If anyone is...
14th Feb 2022
This week we celebrate Friendship Week. The student council have been busy putting...
4th Feb 2022
We are back with parent classes/corses. The first is Cooking and Baking for the...
25th Jan 2022
As we continue through Catholic Schools Week Bishop Phonsie has a message for...
5th Jan 2022
Isolation guide from the HSE
22nd Dec 2021
Mrs. Power's 3rd class designed Christmas Jumpers and the results were Tree-mendous.